Tensions Rise in Peronist Party Ahead of Elections

The internal conflict within Argentina's Peronist party escalates as Javier Milei arrives in Mar del Plata for a significant colloquium. Cristina Kirchner and Axel Kicillof's strained relationship has surfaced, leading to a battle for influence and control ahead of upcoming legislative elections.

Tensions Rise in Peronist Party Ahead of Elections

The limits of libertarians become evident in the Peronist internal struggle. Javier Milei arrived in Mar del Plata amid a heated party internal conflict. Meanwhile, the appointment of a new Chief of Staff by Axel Kicillof generated controversy in the province of Buenos Aires.

Amid the controversy, there is a discussion about the possibility of changing the name of the Ministry of Economy to 'Ministry of Happiness.' However, this proposal is hindered by the existence of an organization with a similar name in Venezuela.

Officials who attended the Idea Colloquium received support from those present at the event, while the AFA decided to confront the President. On the other hand, a closer relationship between La Libertad Avanza and PRO is envisioned, looking ahead to next year’s legislative elections.

Tensions are evident within the ruling party, with former president Cristina Kirchner expressing her anger and discontent. On the other hand, it was noted that President Mauricio Macri contributed names for positions in the new Energy team after the departure of a key official.

In the sports arena, the possibility of intervening in the AFA to deregulate and reduce state expenses is being proposed. The government, for its part, is preparing to face possible changes in Congress that could limit its margin of action.

The magic of the moment is fading as the President seeks to prevent vetoes from being revoked by the opposition. Spirits are strained, with a climate of latent tension in the political and economic landscape of the country. Additionally, internal conflicts within Peronism and a potential power clash between different factions of the party are mentioned.

In summary, Argentine politics is shaken by internal disputes, party confrontations, and a climate of uncertainty that reflects in all areas of society. The upcoming legislative elections put the country's future at stake, in a context of turbulence and challenges ahead.